Kinder/New Family FAQ

Learn important information for incoming families

welcome to the morse community. we are here to answer your questions and make you feel at home.

Why join Morse PTO?

The mission of the Morse Elementary PTO is to promote and encourage a student-centered environment with strong community connections. A strong PTO is evidence of parental interest/support and ensures a better school environment for our children.

What are the different Morse PTO fees that I see on Parent Vue during registration?

All Morse PTO fees are optional, but they help to make Morse amazing. Each of our fees supports a different function of the Morse PTO. For example, Take Stock in Morse only funds teacher grants for resources, educational materials, programming, and technology. Read more about the different fees here.

Why do you have PTO dues? Where does my money go that I give to Morse PTO?

Morse PTO collects money in 3 different ways: dues, Take Stock in Morse program, and fundraising events. 


What can I do now to connect with and support the Morse community?

1. Connect with Morse PTO on social media. Learn more about the Morse PTO and stay up-to-date on important deadlines and events. Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.


2. Participate in our affiliate programs. Box Tops for Education donates money to our school for participating in the program. Download the app and scan digital and paper receipts. Make sure to select Morse Elementary as your school. 


3. Be engaged. Volunteer to help with an event. Participate in PTO sponsored events.